Hump Day Jams

Wednesday, May 15

Barely getting these jams flowing under the wire! I had a very busy day out with the best of the best Niki. Saw Gatsby for the 4th time, had a rainbow. Today was splendid.

Yesterday was a rough one. One of my absolute best friends on Earth left for an 18 month sojourn to Minnesota (dontcha knooooo). I'm gonna miss her terribly but I cannot wait to write that girl a plethora of letters.

I went to her house yesterday to see her off. Shelby went to the wonderful trouble of burning a few people a CD that sounded like her and had some of her favorite songs. After we said our "see you in a minute" and many tears were shed, I drove up to my favorite look out spot in the mountains to listen to her CD. While I was listening I wrote her the first of many letters. She's going to be amazing. And she is so beautiful.

This was one of the songs on her CD and it's one of my absolute favorite songs in the world. Who doesn't love Paul McCartney? Seriously the cutest man.

So this one is for Shelby and my other missionary out in the field. See you in nine months, G. I love you.

See you in a minute :)

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Thank you for your words; they light a fire in my heart. You are lovely.